Manifesting Intentions With a Specific Outcome

Intention is the rudder that steers our life boat. It drives our lives.

As you’ve already noticed, we can’t control the ocean beneath us—sometimes it will roil and toss us around, maybe even dump us in the freezing water, jolting us into a new level of sobriety and awareness.

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The Science of Intuition (How Do You Do That?)

“But how do you do that?”

The question was being asked by a fellow entrepreneur at my weekly mastermind meetup group, where we share moral support and business wisdom over coffee. I had just introduced myself as “an Intuitive Guide for visionaries who want to get where they’re going faster, by reconnecting them with their True Self.”

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Getting Rid of Your Ego, and Other Bad Ideas

I sat crying on my living room floor. I’d spent the past four hours deep in meditation, doing a Tibetan practice called Tonglen, which focuses on processing and healing the world’s pain.

At the end, I felt deep compassion for all the people suffering around the world, and this felt virtuous. But I also felt depressed. Like tears-streaming-down-my-face, still-sitting-in-my-pajamas-in-the-late-afternoon depressed.

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Why Envy is Good

There’s a buildup of adrenaline pulsing through my body. I feel like punching somebody. But this doesn’t make sense, because I’m watching an inspiring TEDx video of Dan Millman, the author of one of my favourite books, that was turned into a movie called “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.” Irony much?

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High Anxiety and the Mentor in Your Mind

The other workshop attendees sit on the couch, while I sit alone at the dining room table. As I scan the room, pretending to be deeply engaged in everything I see, I feel the familiar clenching in my chest and throat. All my thoughts and feelings are slamming into each other in a kind of mental-emotional traffic jam.

In psychology speak, this is called “Emotional Flooding”. And in this case the flavour is: “anxiety”.

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6 Reasons You’re Not Experiencing What You Want

You get that life is short, and you want to live your greatness as your True Self—I mean, seriously, who doesn’t?

But it’s so damn complicated, isn’t it? So confusing. And then you need to go get tacos and gelato to deal with all the stress and anxiety (or maybe that’s just me.).

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Are You Inadequate? A Quiz & A Cure

What’s your number one enemy when you’re trying to make your “big vision”—what you most want to do and create—become your reality?

It’s a feeling, caused by believing in a thought.

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6 Steps to Break Out of Emotional Prison

You wake up and…what’s that? A vaguely uncomfortable (or, perhaps, distinctly awful) feeling that you immediately want to get rid of.

No worries. You drown it with coffee, maybe even distract yourself with mantra meditations but, a few hours later, you notice it’s still there. You tell yourself you’re just bored, or restless. Maybe you need a “new” thing: a lover, job, hobby, TV series, iPhone.

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How To Get Your Needs Met: The Formula

It’s frustrating. You want something from someone and they’re not giving it to you. You want respect, love, attention, time, something. But you aren’t getting it.

How do you get your needs met without wigging out?

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Is It Your Intuition or Fear?

I’ll bet it’s happened to you. Maybe it’s happening right now.

You’re trying to make an important decision, and you want to follow your “gut”—but all you’re getting is waves of fear. “What’s the fear trying to tell me?” You wonder. “Does it mean I shouldn’t do this thing?”

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Is The Universe Punishing You?

Is the Universe punishing you?

This is right up there alongside these oldies but goodies: “What does the Universe want from me?” and “What is the Universe trying to teach me?”

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Powerful Daily Affirmations for Living Your Purpose

Every morning (and sometimes before bed as well), after I do my Emotional Awareness Meditation, I read this (fairly long) Sacred Daily Affirmation out loud with my hand over my heart. I can’t emphasize how empowering the results have been.

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Feeling Alien, and Other Things Leaders Cure

Before the age of 13, my “leaders” were young adult novelists like Paul Zindel and Judy Blume; they made me feel less weird alone. My earliest definition of leadership, if I could have defined it then, was someone who made it possible for other people, regardless of how different they were, to feel less “alien”, less disconnected and therefore “less alone”.

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