You get that life is short, and you want to live your greatness as your True Self—I mean, seriously, who doesn’t? (Okay maybe not your cat, or your Uncle Paul, who just wants to watch sports and drink beer, but otherwise it’s a no-brainer, because it’s the whole point of being here).

But it’s so damn complicated, isn’t it? So confusing. And then you need to go get tacos and gelato to deal with all the stress and anxiety (or maybe that’s just me.).

Here’s a little list that helps me get my own head on straight when I’m feeling overwhelmed or confused about why something I’m doing isn’t working.


The 6 Reasons You’re Not Experiencing What You Want

(Obstacles to Manifesting)


  1. You haven’t gotten clear on exactly what you want or why. BTW: of course, you need to make sure that whatever you’re creating aligns with your life purpose. Whaddaya mean, you don’t know your purpose, yet? Go get yourself a glass of wine and find it right now with this post.
  2. You haven’t invested enough mental focus into visualizing what you want to create (and why). This is one of those so-called airy-fairy things that actually creates results. Ask any Olympic athlete. They invest time every day into visualizing winning. Here’s an article with a video about it in the New York Times.
  3. You aren’t taking enough action toward what you want. No, you’re not lazy! If you aren’t taking action it’s because your doubt is trumping your confidence, and that’s usually because you lack clarity on #1. Motivation comes from getting absolutely clear on what you want to create and WHY. But sometimes you do know and you’re just scared. If that’s the case, here’s Leo Babauta at zen habits on how to deal with that.
  4. You are trying to do/create too many different things at once. Why? Because, secretly you’re afraid of failure, so you’re hedging your bets. Don’t take my word for it. Seth Godin says it best in this super short post: the number one reason to focus.
  5. You’re still holding on to what you don’t want (cuz it feels safe and comfortable). Remember, the universe loves to create where it finds space: emotional and physical clutter won’t just drag you down, it will cheat you out of having new, better experiences. There’s a saying by Aristotle: “Nature abhors a vacuum” that hints at this. When you clear a space, new things will come to fill it. But when you are holding on to what you don’t want, there is no space for new things to come in. Here’s an interesting take on this idea.
  6. You are going after what you want, but there’s a hidden obstacle on your path (a limiting belief or self-sabotage thing that you’re not aware of; you’ll need to find that and clear it if you want to be successful). Check out one of my previous posts to help you find and heal what’s in your way.

Bonus Reason: If all’s good from #1 – #6…You’re too impatient. You just need to keep the faith, keep going and let it unfold.

I encourage you to print this list out and put it up next to your computer, so the next time things aren’t going your way, you can run down the list and decide where to invest your energy to get the results you want.

I also challenge you to share in the comments below where you think you’re stuck right now on this list, and what you’re going to do about it now that you’re armed with this information! Typing your thoughts in a public forum is a powerful act of intention + action!

Earn karmic points! Share this with someone you know who is trying to create/experience new stuff. Happy creating!!

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