When we believe a thought that isn’t true, it causes us pain.
When we believe
we’re not enough;
we don’t have enough;
we’re not worthy of happiness and success;
we can’t trust ourselves;
mistakes mean we’re no good;
we can never have what we really want;
there’s something wrong with us or our feelings;
successful people are fearless (and we’re not);
we’ll never find love, or be loved;
we have to fight to be right, to prove our value;
there is value in punishing ourselves and others;
it’s okay to judge others;
there is an us and them;
Or, when we let our Personality (beliefs, feelings, opinions) drive our lives,
rather than our True Self…
We will feel pain.
we are enough;
we are creating our lives with our beliefs;
we are worthy of happiness and success;
we can trust ourselves; only we can know what we want and need;
mistakes are the only path to mastery;
we can have what we want (we just have to get clear on what that is);
there is nothing wrong with us or with our feelings;
successful people know that fear is a good thing; it means they have an opportunity to grow;
we are love, so as soon as we learn to love ourselves the world will reflect that back to us;
when we know our inherent value, we aren’t threatened by different ideas and opinions;
punishment creates only shame and anger, taking us further away from who we ARE;
we are only judging what we don’t want to acknowledge in ourselves;
there is only us;
our Persona should always be guided by our True Self
(otherwise we just keep driving in circles).
Emotional pain doesn’t mean we’re “doing life wrong.”
It just means we’re misunderstanding something.
It’s helpful information from our True Self; a feedback loop to keep us on track on our journey through life. It lets us know when we’re believing something that isn’t true about ourselves, others or life.
The bigger problem is that “you” are not the one believing these troublesome things–your “Personality parts” are. These were created during your childhood formative years, and mostly operate from your subconscious. (More about them in a future post.)
So what can you do when this emotional pain gets in the way of your ability to enjoy your life, and get things done that matter to you?
Check out one of my previous extensive posts: Emotional Pain and Where It’s Born.
Rise & shine as your Self,
Shawn xo
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