My Dear Reader,

So I went AWOL to Seville, Spain for bit. (It was a long winter in Toronto, I tell ya!)

Here’s me pretending to be wealthy (we were at the docks in Malaga where people park their yachts)…


Before you depress yourself with comparison-itus (which, random fact, I just learned is a “thing” that happens to people who spend too much time on Facebook, so be careful of that…), let me also tell you the painful behind-the-scenes stuff.


I went to Spain because I felt burned out and needed a new perspective. The funny bit is that, instead of getting blasted with the holiday joy I’d imagined, I felt challenged at every turn: learning a new language, navigating public transit and figuring out the times when you can actually get food in restaurants (surprisingly challenging for foreigners).

Add to that: my apartment was seriously haunted (yep, it’s an old city and I’m spiritually plugged in). I got my period. Then it rained (poured!). Oh, and my partner had a serious bout of food poisoning. His friend, who stayed with us in our bachelor-style apartment for a week, also had food poisoning—and the bathroom “door” was actually a curtain.

Sorry if that’s TMI but…just hammering home the experience. Err, not ideal.

And, even though I know better, I occasionally shook my fist at the “the Universe” like…seriously? Seriously!? What did I do to deserve this?


Which brings me to today’s extremely important question.

Is the Universe punishing you?

This is right up there alongside these oldies but goodies:

“What does the Universe want from me?”

“What is the Universe trying to teach me?”

I had a great session with a client last week, where I downloaded deep insight into these questions that was helpful for her, for me and likely, for you.

So I made my first v-blog (yeah!) to share it with you.

Here it is! (And it’s only 5 minutes long, so watch it now!)

Have a great week and let me know if this was helpful for you! I love hearing your thoughts, feelings and stories! :)

Shawn xo


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