For many years I felt unbearably sad about the world, like I was being crushed inside by all the hate and division I saw on the evening news. Consumed by fear and depression, I decided to give up on humanity.
I bought a 2-acre homestead up north with my now ex-husband, thinking I would hide there. But once I was there for a while, it felt lonely and selfish. I didn’t want to give up on humanity. So I gave myself a mission, to move back to the city and do what I could to make the world better, even if I failed miserably.
Except this time I would do it in a way that felt aligned with my own True Self. (Because I had just shut down a children’s charity I co-founded and ran for five years, feeling burnt out and disillusioned. While we helped hundreds of children, it never felt like my path.)
First I dedicated a year to community volunteer work. That was fun, but it wasn’t satisfying—I found most of those organizations to be chaotic and disorganized, and as a former business journalist I’m all about efficiency and results. Next, I worked as a consultant, helping people uncover their business brand story. That felt better, but it still wasn’t “it”.
It took a few years, but finally Life showed me what I was born to do: share what I’ve learned with others. I’ve spent the past 14 years working, fairly obsessively, to heal the divide between my True Self (who I was born as) and my False Self (formed in response to my childhood environment)—the divide between who I really am and who I thought I was or needed to be.
This divide creates a war inside of us, full of conflicting beliefs and emotions. It also sends us off on an endless quest to fill the gaping hole we feel inside, created by the divide.
Helping people heal this divide between the True and False Self is my purpose, because it’s the only way to experience real joy and live our potential, not just as individuals, but also as humanity.
Though I’m no less haunted by the divisions in this world, I experience a great deal of joy these days. Because now, instead of hiding from the darkness, or being consumed by it, or pretending it’s just not there, I have joined the revolution–of people committed to shining their light, no matter how dark it gets.
So I stand here shining my little light. And I show other people how to turn their own lights on. And all around the world, other people are turning on their lights and teaching others how to turn on theirs. And so the darkness doesn’t feel as frightening anymore. It gives me hope for the world I dream of.
I invite you to join this revolution with me.
What does that mean in real life?
It means, no matter how many people tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, what you can or can’t be, listen to that voice inside you and do it anyway. If you have a dream, pursue it. If you have an idea, share it. If you’re curious about something new, trust it! Take steps toward it, even if they are tiny steps.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” ~Goethe
Of course it also requires holding a strong intention to be guided by your True Self.
When you stand up and claim your life as fully your own, and start taking steps to live out your dreams, the people around you will be inspired to try it too. Oh, sure, they may judge you, first. They may laugh at you too. But deep inside they will be paying close attention, believe you me.
Because we all long to rise up as our True Selves. It’s our purpose.
Vive la revolution! Turn your light on and let it guide your life.
Rise up and shine as your True Self,
Shawn xo
P.S. I’m about to go after one of my long-time dreams. I just signed up for NaNoWriMo, 2 days before the deadline. The challenge: write a novel in one month–50,000 words. Most people plan for months, have an outline and everything. I’m starting with nothing. Feeling freaking terrified but I’m comforting myself with the understanding that I’m doing this for 3 reasons: because I want to experience it, because it’s going to help me build a daily writing routine (so I can finish my non-fiction book) and because I know how great it’s going to feel to look myself in the eyes and know I followed through on something that felt important to me. Wish me luck fellow visionaries!
(P.P.S. Share your thoughts on this post below, or drop by my Facebook page. )

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