I could tell Shawn really cared and appreciate how she was able to pinpoint what was needed. The work is simple but not easy. When I started seeing evidence of what’s being shifted right after the first session, I began to really believe in the process and became more dedicated to it! That dedication led to so many magical things happening in my life, especially in the months after our sessions. I went after a dream to design and invest in property and it went amazing. I feel so much happier and more empowered. If you feel you have tried almost everything and feel stuck, you know you deserve more in life, you are ambitious, kind and want to tap into your full potential and grow, Shawn is the answer to the next level.
Global Banking + Real Estate
I saw in our initial meeting that Shawn was going to gently call me on stuff I was ignoring or pushing aside, and I needed that type of support. Sometimes it’s hard to step out of the safety of the box without being nudged (or pushed). When I realized that the patterns I have are all based on what was safe to do as a child, it was helpful. And how those gifts both made me successful but also held me back from doing the important things I was sent to the planet to do. Also stepping back and looking at the entire experience as a game is super helpful. If you feel stuck in a pattern you want to identify and remove, Shawn can help you move through it. I was stuck on feeling I have to do it all on my own. Now I trust that the right support will come when needed. Funny thing: Shawn’s voice often comes back to me at the strangest points in my day, but it always says what I need to hear.
Dr. Christina Carew, ND
Functional Medicine & Change Agent
Just finished an amazing, powerful session with the woman who’s helping me deal with my shit, so I can help other people deal with THEIR shit. I say Shawn Phelps is my coach, but she’s not really a coach. Her work defies a simple title. She is a powerful and loving intuitive who works with leaders and entrepreneurs, and she’s helping me break through some stuff so I can keep growing. I can’t recommend her enough.
Sarah Marie Vermunt
Founder, Careergasm; Bestselling Author
After just 6 weeks of working with Shawn, I let go of a 2-year relationship that was draining my energy, found and moved into the living space of my dreams and became super productive at work. While I’m doing way more and celebrating way more, I don’t feel depleted. There is a different level of calm and excitement driving me. I went from feeling hurt and trapped to calm and empowered. Other people have commented on a shift in my energy and I’m feeling great everyday. I’m no longer stuck in longing. As I said to Shawn in my last session, “I have all I need + I am all I need.”
I knew I needed a solution when I hit the wall and my urge to live happily haunted me, but I never expected magic. I am onto doing what my life purpose says—pushing the limits. Believe it or not, I got even more than I was looking for. (I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me, Shawn.)
Neha Bahl
CEO, Toronto Business Development Centre
I can’t even put into words how much Shawn has helped me. She gave me so much clarity, self permission, surrender and confidence to jump into my next level with both feet. More important, she gave me a way to heal myself so I can do this work at higher levels. After our sessions I delivered a powerful talk onstage that was shared on social media and I was featured on breakfast TV. I even shared some of what Shawn taught me at my workshop for 65 women, and they were all in tears. My hope is to share this impact with many more people around the world, so they too can feel the impact she has give to me. Her authentic support and guidance has been so valuable. If you need insight, I recommend her.
Keka DasGupta
Founder, Art of Life-ing; global award-winning marketer; TEDx speaker
I let go of my full-time job because I knew I needed a change, but started feeling directionless and overwhelmed. After working with Shawn, I’m clear on who I am and what I want (and unapologetic about it!). I understand my story, which helped me rewrite my website in a way that feels more “me.” But more important, the trust she helped me develop in life and myself led to this new job that is super aligned and provides money, meaning, and freedom. Now with these pieces in place, I’m excited and confident to build my coaching and facilitating business. Thank you,Shawn, for showing me that life is a playground full of opportunities, where I can just enjoy being me.
Gloria Eid
Career Coach; Facilitator/Trainer, Communication Strategies
After taking care of the strong emotions running in me, Shawn was able, with one suggestion, to speak to both my deepest commitment in this life, and show me a place I could stand which would give me real strength. Her work is so powerful, insightful and helpful. She has a unique intuitive genius in locating the exact place where insight, attention and action is needed. I’m so grateful for her sharing her gift with me.
Marion Langford
Coach + Facilitator, Workplace Leadership Development
At first I was skeptical of how, on Shawn’s website, she wrote about being a shortcut and making shifts quickly. But then my shifts happened so quickly during and after our sessions, I became a believer. She helped me get to the root cause of all my patterns. And that’s important, because if you’re stuck in a pattern, you keep hitting your head against the same wall. The only way to break through that cycle is to go to the root. You need a strong coach to go there with you, because it’s like walking into the fire.
Shawn was willing to walk into the fire with me, and I knew I could trust her. With other coaches and therapists, I would repeat the same stories and they would listen. But she was able to see right through the stories, to take the fear filters off to transform and free me from them.
Vanessa M.
Founder, Public Relations Consultancy
When I came to Shawn I felt stuck. But gaining the understanding of what I’m doing, the unconscious aspect, has been transformative. She showed me that I have a powerful theme in my art and I’m already sharing it. Now I’m full of ideas on how to explore this theme. I have so much I want to do. Also, I used to need all the answers. Now I’m letting it unfold. Using Shawn’s Advocate Method has allowed me to trust what’s going to happen. This is the opposite of how I used to think of it. I can’t believe how excited I feel. Before I felt trapped. Now I feel like I’m in an open field. I used to see the unconscious as scary and not positive. Now I look at it completely differently. That all came from doing this work with Shawn.
John Driscoll
Professional Artist, Designer
Shawn is truly the best. Most capable of helping anyone at the place they are in their life. Even if you’re a highly experienced professional, you’ll be impressed with how much clarity she can bring into your life. She has helped me with my business and relationships. I recommend her.
Dr. Jagdeep Gupta, MD, BSc
Investor, international health initiatives
I’ve worked with great coaches before (and I’m a men’s coach), but Shawn is able to get to the crux of my challenges faster than anyone I know. When I went to her, I felt stuck in my old ways. After our sessions, I was able to move forward on a big goal I’ve been putting off for years, and it’s going great. I also feel better equipped to deal with stressful situations because I have a tool to reduce my anxiety and obtain guidance from inside myself. Shawn really cares, sees you deeply, and helps you step up quickly.
Darrell Cheung
Men’s Coach; Founder, Satori; Motivational Speaker; Facilitator
I knew I was capable of more, and I wanted to remove the things blocking me. Shawn’s approach is very unusual, but I loved it. On the surface it felt like a normal conversation, but it changed me a lot. She helped me step back into my power and get back the feeling that I belong to myself. I also received an offer to speak at a prestigious event, and I got two new great clients and wasn’t afraid to charge them my full rate. I’m now noticing all the miracles happening in my life. I’m so happy I found Shawn.
Kristina Azarenko
Founder, Ecommerce + SEO Consultancy
Shawn is exceptional. Every session is incredible. She helped me get out of my negative thoughts, understand what’s happening and explore a way forward that is very powerful and satisfying. She set me on the path of regaining my power to be again a shining light for others. This was the refrain I heard from many this summer and just over dinner last week. I’m very grateful to her in a very deep way. I feel so much better every time work together.
CPO, Founder, International Investment Leader in Emerging Markets
Before our session, the faucet of ideas was dripping. Now, it’s free flowing! It’s like I was looking in this direction at all these problems, and you just turned me to look in a slightly different direction where I could see all the answers. You helped me rediscover why I wanted to start this business in the first place. I think you should call yourself a business therapist, because you’ve given me more insight on my self and into my business—which is a part of me—than anybody else.
Sam Crowther
Artist and Serial Entrepreneur
I am totally blown away by Shawn’s ability to help me get clarity in my business and life so quickly. It has only been two days since our [4-hour] session and I have already seen massive changes in how I relate to others and show up in life. If you want to see through the surface into the dynamics that are really driving your life, go see Shawn now. She delivers magic.
Michael Sahota
Catalyst, Facilitator, Speaker
Shawn’s like the focus on a camera. I’m an initiator who usually finds the answers I need myself, but our work together was one of the most insightful experiences I’ve had. It gave me more confidence … to not be someone who just dabbles in things but one who actually goes out and does something.
Barnabe G.
Documentary Filmmaker & Communications Architect, Centre for Social Innovation
Thanks to Shawn, I’ve replaced my faith in security with faith in myself. There’s this quiet inner knowing. It has always been there but I never believed in it. Now it’s growing. As a result of our work, I was able to let go of work commitments that didn’t feel good for me and start my own practice doing more of what I’m great at. I also have more time to enjoy sailing my boat. Thanks, Shawn, for being so damn awesome at what you do!!!
Dominic M., MD
Clinical Psychiatrist
Before seeing Shawn, I was struggling to leave my corporate job to launch my own business because I was so worried about where the money was going to come from. After seeing Shawn, I did a complete 180 and felt everything would be provided. She showed me there were beliefs I didn’t realize I had formed as a child to survive that were no longer useful. Now I know what I need to do. Everything is clear. I feel like I can move forward and not get stuck, because I can use the tools she gave me to get unstuck.
Marina Alteza
Digital Nomad Entrepreneur, Facilitator and Founder, Mindfullycity
I can’t say enough about the value of Shawn being able to tell me the exact steps I need to take to get results, and why they matter. She also helped me see and hear the things I needed to heal and move forward. I consider myself an evolved, self-aware person, but I just wasn’t seeing why I was still stuck. I now have a technique I use every day to listen to myself and navigate fear. As if that weren’t enough, my business vision is so clear to me now. I’ve signed up for expensive programs where I learned new things every day but, after the initial high, life was still a rollercoaster. With Shawn it feels more like an escalator! What she gave me was priceless.
Nadine Prada
Artist at The Prada Gallery, Award-Winning Art Director, Entrepreneur
Michelle B.
Market Development, Strategy + Founding Member, Agri-Tech company
Working with Shawn is a vortex. She helps you get out of your own way, dive into what really matters and move forward with a momentum that will knock your socks off! She helped me know what my next major steps were. She also helped me scale my business from a single digit 6-figure income to a multiple one. If you are willing and ready to step into your power, work with her.
Carla Catherwood
Founder, Army of Sass; Executive Coach
I felt jaded at the start of our sessions, but soon found myself opening up to hope and believing that good things were possible. The most surprising thing was how easy + effective the work was, once you commit to doing it.
Working with Shawn is like talking through issues while guided by clairvoyant insights. She has a way of using analogies and framing things that just makes so much sense. Self-love has always been a foreign concept to me, and I feel like I finally have clarity on what that means and how to practice it.
In our time together, I attracted a new job opportunity and felt hopeful and confident that an even better one would soon be on its way. Also, after months of posting my writing online, I suddenly got hundreds of new readers. It felt surreal but amazing. This work has changed the trajectory of my life.
Annie, Toronto
Book Author + Copywriter
Shawn helped me dig a dream out of my brain and make a goddamn plan, with a tangible set of steps that felt achievable. Life just doesn’t feel quite as scary or hopeless anymore, and I really do have her to thank for that. I have come a LOOOONG ass way, and dammit, I’m really proud of myself. It feels good to live my life’s purpose. Shawn blows my fucking mind!
Sybil Teles
Founder, Wishcraft Apothecary
Shawn helped me step back to see the bigger picture in terms of my patterns and other patterns in my relationships. I was able to see it, feel it and understand it for the first time, and it was life changing. Also, with my business, everything was murky but now it’s clear. I have a clear intention of what I want to do and it’s already manifesting. I’ve been using the tools she gave me, and I’m receiving clear evidence that they are working. I’m so grateful I did these sessions.
Hoann Ignacio
Retail Entrepreneur
Talking to you now, I feel like a different person. Like you showed me a door I can walk through that I wasn’t seeing. After six months of working with you my life is like night and day. I am feeling happy to be alive, more hope and optimism, more empowerment and I am standing up for myself more! (Not to mention travelling all over the place, launching a course, delivering a workshop in Mexico and writing the outline for my first book at a workshop in L.A.!)
Gwen Elliot
Media Strategist + Creator of Your Big Break Podcast
It’s illuminating: like she shone a light on the map of my life, on what I needed to see, and then she connected me with the part of myself that has the knowing to get there. She literally put her finger on exactly where I need to go from here.
Marcela Crowe
Agricultural Business Consultant; Collaborative Leader
I did all kinds of different therapeutic things for three years, trying to find a way forward. After just a few weeks of working with Shawn, I was finally unstuck and I couldn’t believe it. She just nailed it. She has gift. I don’t understand how she does it, but it’s so nice to have her in my world.
Lisa G.
Commercial + Retail Property Agent, New York
…remember that vision of the company and my new role? I started interviews at the end of September, got the offer in December and started in January. It’s a fantastic company with a wonderful team. Thank you Shawn for the incredible journey. I am so happy that I invested in myself by working with you.
Nathalie L.
HR + Communications Rockstar
I’d never worked with a clairvoyant before, but Shawn was so accurate and validated so many things. Even with my health, she told me things only my doctor knew. Our sessions were helpful for my life and business. The work she is doing is other level.
Real Estate Investor (self-made millionaire); Founder of an international organization that financially empowers women