“But how do you do that?”

The question was being asked by a fellow entrepreneur at my weekly mastermind meetup group, where we share moral support and business wisdom over coffee. I had just introduced myself as “an Intuitive Guide for visionaries who want to get where they’re going faster, by reconnecting them with their True Self.”

And she had looked at me and blinked, like she didn’t quite know what that meant. Fair enough.

So I did my best to explain how it works for me: “While my client is telling me about something, I can tap into their emotions—actually feel them as my own—and this allows me to download information and images about their life journey from their higher/True Self. This can include what they’re here to learn and share (their life purpose), business and career possibilities and strategies, relationships, and self-sabotage patterns and beliefs.

She seemed okay with the answer, but it didn’t feel complete to me; the truth is, I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Because the interesting thing is that, while most intuitives access information in different ways, with varying levels of success, we all access the same information. Because if we didn’t, it wouldn’t be true, would it? But how do we do that?

Well, based on my experiences so far with my own abilities, I believe there are five parts to this, and intuitives tend to specialize in one or more of these areas.


  1. The Law of Momentum. Intuitives and psychics use the law of momentum to read situations. In the classic scientific definition, momentum refers to the mass and velocity of an object. Because momentum has a direction, it can be used to predict the resulting direction of objects after they collide, as well as their speeds. This law of momentum can also be used energetically to understand, explore and predict situations.

    A basic formula might look like this:
    your conscious thoughts and feelings about an idea
    + your subconscious thoughts and feelings about an idea
    + previous actions that have been taken that relate to that idea
    + current actions you are taking to manifest that idea
    = the momentum of your creations.

    This formula is why intuitives (me included) can tap into and explore what kinds of energetic momentum have been created, how they’ve been created, where they are likely to take you and how to create something better. Personally, I use this to help people create cool stuff faster. And while I am able to see how an upcoming meeting or business deal might play out, I avoid long-term predictions because I believe my job is to teach people how to create their own fate. That said, there are people like Nostradamus  who excelled at reading momentum to create long-term predictions.

  2. The Hive Mind. There is something scientists call “the collective consciousness”, which has been studied in animals, where their minds can act as a “hive mind”. I’ve observed this phenomenon in the murmuration of starling birds. At the highest level, the minds of all living things are connected as one, and that shared information is stored in the collective consciousness. I believe this explains the existence of my next point.
  3. The Akashic Records. There is an energetic library of sorts, sometimes called the Akashic Records, which holds information on your past lives and your current life—including what you came here to learn and share with others (your life purpose), along with set life events you can’t avoid because they are a necessary part of your journey. But you can usually only receive access to the “files” on your life journey that are relevant at this time. I’m going to assume that most professional intuitives have some access to this information, but only a few specialize in it (I personally feel exploring past lives is just a form of entertainment, so while I do get into it if it’s useful, I focus mainly on life purpose, soul lessons and other stuff relevant to this life).
  4. The True Self. A few intuitives, such as myself, who have studied the psychosocial Self (how one’s psychological development unfolded as a result of their social environment) will also be aware of the various components that make you “you”, because without that knowledge it’s extremely difficult to heal old patterns or change the current trajectory of your life. We all have a Social or Adult Self, a Primary Self (also known as the Child Self, because it was formed from age 0-10), and a True Self, which is directly connected to what we call “genius” or “inspiration”, and the source of our “gut feelings”. This is the part of us that loves to create, collaborate and have an impact on the physical world in an uplifting way. These parts all need to collaborate for you to reach your full potential. I’m an expert in this area.
  5. Dead People. Some intuitives can also receive information from people who are no longer physically here. I do have experience with this (mostly accidentally; sometimes a message will come through for a client when neither of us are expecting it), but it’s not something people pay me for. Communication with the spirit world is tricky because it happens via images and symbols; it’s rare that you’ll get a spirit who can communicate in sentences. This is why getting names can be hard. But there are guides who are amazing at this (and they are my heroes!), such as Colette Baron-Reid (Messages From Spirit), Theresa Caputo (The Long Island Medium) and Amy Allen (The Dead Files).


So, yeah, if you do decide to hire an intuitive, make sure you get clear within yourself what you want them to provide for you, then find out what their specialty is. Even though we all download information from the same place, we have different areas of expertise, and you want to make sure you get your money’s worth.

Me, I’m a practical soul, at heart. I’m only interested in the spiritual stuff to the extent that it helps someone live their potential as their True Self. What you did in your past lives may explain why you keep sabotaging your own potential, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are. I’d rather just cut to the chase and tell you what to do about it now. If I did have a spirit name, it would be “Straight-Shooter”. But that’s just me.

And BTW, not to burst your spiritual bubble or anything, but odds are you weren’t anyone famous in your past lives anyway. I’ve seen over 50 of mine so far (out of a couple hundred), and they were all shitty, ha! But all that suffering is what taught me deep compassion for myself and others. So I’m grateful for it.


Rise and shine as your True Self,

Shawn xo

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