High Anxiety and the Mentor in Your Mind

The other workshop attendees sit on the couch, while I sit alone at the dining room table. As I scan the room, pretending to be deeply engaged in everything I see, I feel the familiar clenching in my chest and throat. All my thoughts and feelings are slamming into each other in a kind of mental-emotional traffic jam.

In psychology speak, this is called “Emotional Flooding”. And in this case the flavour is: “anxiety”.

Feeling Alien, and Other Things Leaders Cure

Feeling Alien, and Other Things Leaders Cure

Before the age of 13, my “leaders” were young adult novelists like Paul Zindel and Judy Blume; they made me feel less weird alone. My earliest definition of leadership, if I could have defined it then, was someone who made it possible for other people, regardless of how different they were, to feel less “alien”, less disconnected and therefore “less alone”.