How are you? Hope you’re doing okay.

It’s been a brutal year, so if you’re not, that’s okay too.

I have days where I feel fine, and days where I just pull the covers over my head and say “nope”! (There might be some expletives in there as well!)

I don’t even know how I would have made it through this year without my decades-long practice of daily meditation and inner work, so if you’re struggling please consider tossing that into your morning mix. It gets me to at least half way functional most days, and very occasionally to awesome. :)

Most of you know me as a clairvoyant coach, but I have two parts of myself:

One part is the higher consciousness part that channels guidance and knows how to solve any problem for anyone (assuming they follow the guidance). This part of me tunes into people like a radio station, and then I’m able to see what’s holding that person back from whatever they want to experience next, and how to clear it.

The other part is the human avatar named “Shawn” who struggles just as much as anyone else, maybe more. ;)

Those two parts are distinctively separate.

So, if you’ve ever wondered why intuitive/psychic/clairvoyant types aren’t all living in posh mansions with their perfect partner etc. We all struggle just as much as you do. The only difference is we can access that higher guidance sometimes, when we become very focused and place our human self aside.

It’s kind of like having a spiritual teacher, say Ram Dass, living in your house with you. Just because he’s enlightened, doesn’t mean you are. He may tell you what you should do, but you can’t always do it, because…human.

Don’t get me wrong, the spiritual teacher in my “house” is actually a part of me–it’s also me–but more often than not, I’m not fully connected to it. There’s egoic self static.

To prepare for my sessions with clients, I have to sit and invest energy and focus into putting “Shawn” aside, so the guidance will be clear and untainted by her thoughts/feelings. And the energy required to put “Shawn” aside, means that after I do sessions (which range from 2-5 hours), I’m often toast for the rest of that day. Though it’s getting easier every year, with practice.

This “self” is our greatest gift, and yet often our greatest roadblock to everything we most want. 

That’s why the book I’m writing now is about a method that helps you manage the energy of your human self so you “get out of your own way”–she/he doesn’t block you from following your intuition/higher guidance and expressing your genius and highest potential. Then it just flows, and you flow with it

So that’s what I’m up to. 

My life has been a mix of hanging out with Junior the Wonder Dog (a spunky chihuahua, Jack Russell mash up), working on my book, working with clients (on Skype/Zoom of course), riding my new electric bike on any day without snow (bundled to the nines!) and getting creative in the kitchen with whatever I can find in the freezer and cupboards (with Covid numbers rising, and since I’m taking care of my senior parents, I only get groceries when I have to… so some of those meals have been downright weird LOL).

There might also have been an excessive amount of rum and eggnog consumed. Which is notable, because I barely drink alcohol….

But, really, I think in 2020 we all get a free pass for consuming whatever the hell we needed to to get through it, don’t you?  :)

…of course, I’ve also done a shit-ton of meditation, journalling, inner advocate work. and more… ALL the homework the teacher part of me gives to my clients (yep I take my own medicine ha).

That shit works!

What helps me the most is that I always look at life as a school helping me to grow toward my highest potential and, without fail, the hardest classes lead to the best long-term breakthroughs, which makes it much easier to experience more of what I want going forward.

There is a saying “always look for the helpers” and I agree with that.

But I’m gonna add “always look for the lessons”, because that’s the gold no one can take away from you. And that’s the gold 2020 has given you. Invest that shit wisely!

Till next time,


Come to our free reading tomorrow to go deeper!

In case you missed it last time:

My video about how I discovered “identity” is the key to everything working, or not working.

A page of free resources that might help you.

And, if you feel called to do the deep work to break through to your next level, let’s explore if we’re a good fit to work together on a free call. I have openings for two intensive clients beginning in January. My motto: go deep or go home! haha.