Ignoring Stuff Feels Shitty; Get Deliberate Instead
Being deliberate is a tool that helps us access the higher parts of ourselves. Often we feel helpless. But we can take our power back by being deliberate about our choices in any situation.
Being deliberate is a tool that helps us access the higher parts of ourselves. Often we feel helpless. But we can take our power back by being deliberate about our choices in any situation.
Those shitty experiences that you’ve shoved under a tarp because they look ugly, awkward or just make you feel uncomfortable? They are the raw ingredient for your greatest experiences yet to come. Without them, it would not even be possible for you to have greater experiences.
Dear TRailBLazer,
No one just ARRIVES.
We have to go on THE JOURNEY.
So if your life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns right now, don’t worry too much about it. Just celebrate how far you’ve come and keep moving in the direction of your highest vision for yourself, with your head held high!