This one’s for you hard-working coaching and blogging changemakers who are still rising up. (And, as I said in my last post, I partly write my posts to me, for us both. Because “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together…goo goo g’joob,” says the Beatles.)

Okay, so you’re not Marie Forleo or Danielle Laporte (or Derek Halpern or Jon Morrow, who incidentally has the best “About” page I’ve ever read), who seem blessed by the blogging Gods with their cult followings. But you’re “you”, which is perfect, according to all the spiritual books and many business gurus—because you’re one-of-a-kind, and the world needs exactly the unique thing you have to offer.

Once you actually figure out what that is. (Hey, look, a shameless opportunity to plug what I do.)

And even once you’ve figured it out, hallelujah, you still have to get up the courage to own that and be that. Shit, that’s hard. Right?

To get up the courage you spend way too much time on the Net reading how other people find the courage, because maybe they know secrets you don’t. And, hey, turns out they do and they’ll share them for only $499 in three easy payments. Except you just saw them posting on BSchool’s Facebook group last week that this is the first course they’ve ever created, so you’re wondering if maybe they know about as much as you do. And why the hell didn’t you think of that? And what software did they use to make that ridiculously awesome sales page?!

You become even more determined to create useful content that will change the world and make you a millionaire, but your inbox is so full of “successful” bloggers’ newsletters that just reading and deleting them takes up half your day.

Because, c’mon, should I really delete this post on how to launch a program, because I know SOMEDAY I’m gonna create one, hopefully, and if I do I will DEFINITELY need advice like this. But, then, maybe this is just taking up my valuable energy and I should just delete them all?

In the end you say “Fuck it,” as though you’ve actually made a powerful decision, except you haven’t, so you save them in folders named after each blogger…just in case you need them later.

You don’t have time to read them today because you started your day at noon.

You were up till 4 am creating that perfect blog graphic on Canva. And you’re hating yourself for it now, because you just know all these successful bloggers and coaching gurus get up at 5 am and do yoga, drink their green smoothie, pow-wow with their virtual assistant via Skype in Malaysia and then create a 10-module online course that makes them $20,000 a month, all BEFORE noon.

And all you’ve done is drag your sorry ass out of bed.

At least you did your 20 minutes of meditation—because everyone from Natalie MacNeil to Gabby Bernstein to Oprah (who’s so famous she doesn’t need a last name) will tell you that without daily meditation you’re never gonna manifest anything good—then you did a 15-minute half-assed version of yoga (to try out your new mat), stirred some Greens+ supplement powder into your juice (because you forgot to buy fresh veggies for your Vita-mix again).

And WOW, is it really 3 pm already?

You start contemplating going to a cafe, where you’re sure you’ll be more productive, when your friend, who’s building a non-profit, calls for free coaching advice. After you help him, he tells you how much you remind him of a famous author/coach he listens to on podcasts. You deeply appreciate this, but find yourself wishing you were THAT person instead of a virtually unknown author/coach with a handful of raving fans who don’t have any money to pay you. But you are helping him shine his light in this world, and the Universe rewards generosity, doesn’t it?

You’re still thinking about this idea, that the Universe rewards generosity (backed by business experts in books like The Thank You Economy), a few hours later while you’re sitting at the cafe trying to create your “business model”. You know you need to create some kind of free product as part of a “product and services sales funnel”, because that’s what everyone else does who makes money teaching other people stuff online. Except the word “funnel” is kind of gross, and really you just want to help people, and isn’t there a way to do this where you can make a decent living, actually help people and not need to think about getting them to enter your “sales funnel”? Which sounds kinda dirty, right?

And all this time your head is pounding, another migraine, probably because you all you’ve consumed today is some green powder, a handful of blueberries, an apricot, a double Americano and a blueberry square (though that last item was SOOO worth it and actually made life feel good and worthwhile for the whole three minutes it took to eat it; thank god for the world and it’s gluten-free obsession, because that’s probably the only reason there was still one left at the cafe when you got there).

The next day you wake at noon, again (same shit, different day), but this time you’re determined to TAKE SOME ACTION.

Everyone seems to be doing Webinars, so even though they scare the shit out of you—because what if you fuck up live in front of everyone?—you begin researching “How to do a Webinar.” Again, people will teach you for exorbitant amounts of money that you don’t have, so you sift through hundreds of pages of mostly crap content for whatever you can learn for free. You discover there are different platforms, so you go off and research those for a few more hours. Then you watch some webinars by your favourite bloggers. Next thing you know it’s 4 am again and you’re now twice as terrified of doing webinars as when you started, so you decide to forget all about that and create podcasts instead.

Weeks go by like this.

Weeks where you’re learning different systems and platforms and tinkering with your website to make it “just so” and occasionally meeting with actual clients who, thankfully, rave about you and say that they’re happy to be able to afford you (before you’re rich and famous). That feels fabulous; it really does. And today’s brand of fame, you don’t need it, but that rich part would come in pretty handy about now. Good thing you know about the power of manifesting and that it doesn’t matter that your bank statement says you owe eight grand (not including this month’s credit card bill); all that matters is that you keep visualizing abundance, abundance and more goddamn abundance (speaking of abundance, the guy who runs that abundance site made his millions helping people understand concepts like “abundance”). Oh wait, but Danielle says (in her book, The Desire Map) you need to actually FEEL abundant for any of this to work.

You are so fucked.

But then you remember that life is a journey. And it’s not about the money or success. It’s not about where you’re going; it’s about being here now (and you nod to Eckhart Tolle, because you’ve read his book three times and think you almost understand it). And you realize that you’ve come such a long way—much further than anyone who knows you can imagine.

You have battled inner demons that lesser mortals would have run screaming from. You have forgiven the unforgivable. You have let go of everything multiple times and started again from scratch. You have travelled and loved and grieved and celebrated and lived every minute of every day with your heart open—even when it hurt like hell. You have tried and failed, fallen on your face and gotten up bruised and battered saying “I will try again; because I can. Because I’m still fucking here so I might as well; and, hey, maybe my big break really is just around the corner.”

So you read your highlights on Kindle from Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art one more time. And you watch another video on Youtube by Alan Watts (who’s impressive because he seems enlightened yet you know that, like you, he loved a cocktail or three) about how you ARE god and you can be and do and have anything. And even though The Secret is a crass representation of how it all works, you watch it again anyway, because the whole thing is available on Youtube, and it’s more entertaining than most of the other movies about this stuff.

You know it’s the truth, because every evolved and/or enlightened being tells the same story again and again. That we are so much more than we realize. That we are, in fact, god—all of us, together. That we were born rich (it just so happens that most of that money is in circulation at the moment, at least according to Brad Yates, whose EFT video is my favourite on the subject so far). That we are not helpless. We are as powerful as we choose to be.

Our power lies in our ability to use our minds and feelings to create what we want; and the only rule is that our desires must align with life’s highest truth: that we are all parts of a whole and we must always consider, value and support the whole. Other than that, have at it. There are no limitations, except our own. There is no God judging us (judgment is a human creation); there is only us staring at ourselves in a mirror.

Our life is the reflection of what we see in that mirror.

Entrepreneurship is that reflection magnified times 100 (according to some study, somewhere). It is you motivating you for deadlines you set, for dreams you build, with rules you create. And even though we know all these things, we even know them well enough to teach them to others in a way that transforms their lives, that doesn’t mean what we see in the mirror isn’t going to be distorted.

Because we’re human as well as part of a larger spiritual whole; our humanness is a filter through which we see the whole and it can cause havoc with what is an otherwise lovely view. Tweet this

Like an anorexic who always sees herself as fat even when she weighs 90 pounds, we don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are. (Yes, I stole part of that quote. It’s okay; I stole it from myself. *20 bonus points if you get that joke. P.S. Anais Nin is the actual source.)

So what’s the answer?

In the end, the most important thing is not our business, or what’s in our bank account, or how many people we uplift or transform—even though those things matter. It’s being vigilant about identifying and clearing away all those dark and hazy filters through which we see ourselves, each other and the world: the ones that cause us to compare ourselves to each other, to put others on pedestals and see ourselves as inadequate, to judge and make ourselves superior to hide our fears and pain, to hurt others and ourselves.

Living in our power means letting go of every preconception we have of ourselves, and every preconception we have of who is more successful or valuable based on fame or what have you. It means getting up every day to work our asses off toward being fully ourselves, come what may.

And that is what will make our businesses rock this world. And that is what will allow us to be as successful as we can be. And that is what will allow us to shine our light in this world and transform it for the better. Not reading the perfect blogs. Not creating the perfect course. Not making the right amount of money. Not having famous people as our best buds. Not having a cult following.

Just waking up every day with the single powerful intention to be more fully all that we really are and owning that shit.


(P.S. No affiliate links were used in the creation of this post.)

Please share if you know another blogger or coach who wants to rock this world. And, BTW, I’ll love you forever if you take a minute to share your thoughts below… (because, currently, bribery is the only way I get comments.)

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