Some Words From My Heart for 2022

As Rumi wrote: “If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”

But, honestly, and no offence meant to Rumi, I think it’s human to feel irritated by this process. Let’s be real. It’s not fun being sanded, shaped and polished. It’s not fun facing all our fears and pain and parts of us we don’t yet know how to meet with love.

Feeling Alien, and Other Things Leaders Cure

Feeling Alien, and Other Things Leaders Cure

Before the age of 13, my “leaders” were young adult novelists like Paul Zindel and Judy Blume; they made me feel less weird alone. My earliest definition of leadership, if I could have defined it then, was someone who made it possible for other people, regardless of how different they were, to feel less “alien”, less disconnected and therefore “less alone”.